Strengthening Communities


With a focus on Identity, Dignity and Diversity, HID Forum is engaging with it's core constituencies - Women, Dalit, Adivasi, Farming Communities, Minorities and other vulnerable groups, and collectively developing collaborations for a deeper impact and change.

Strengthening Organisations


We work with organisations in identifying changing needs and co-creating interventions towards enhancing their effectiveness. These planned processes of change are facilitated through the approach of accompaniment. Accompaniment is participatory, involving HID Forum and the partner organisation collaborating towards achieving the desired change. It involves dialogue, designing interventions, giving support in implementation and providing feedback towards addressing the development needs of the organisation.

Competency Building


Capacity building and learning events are aimed at strengthening the competencies of individuals in their roles as change agents in organisational and institutional settings. 


We create learning opportunities for people to gain and enhance relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform their roles more effectively. This in turn enables individuals to locate change needs and facilitate change processes at self and organizational levels. Hence individuals become sources of and resources for change.

Research and Knowledge Building 


We undertake research and knowledge building as a separate area of work in itself, exploring new themes and methodologies in the field of human and institution development is integral to all of HID Forum’s work.